Bridal Tribes including Flower girls... I haven't forgotten you!!!!

 Let's do this for your bride so she can  remain less stressed!!!  Once again, bring your shoes and dress for your first fitting.  Allow a month but miracles can happen if needed.  Oh and by the way, I have altered many a dress to allow for a growing baby.


Mothers of the Bride and Groom

Finding the perfect dress can be a challenge but getting it fit should not be. We can add your fitting at the same time as your daughter or a complete different day and time. Please bring your shoes if we need to change the hemline. Allow 2 months for your dress to be ready to wear on that wedding day.

Belinda works magic with her needle and thread. She made some minor alterations on my niece’s prom dress for a more secure fit in the top. Then my niece changed her mind and bought a new prom dress... 2 sizes too big! But Belinda, the Fairy God Mother made the fit like it was made for her. True magic happens in her shop.
— Robin White